
This article appeared in Risen      

The following codes can be used in conjunction with the keywords give or spawn on the console to obtain the corresponding item. As a third parameter the amount can be defined.


give It_Bow_Titan 3
spawn ch



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian Name Hungary Name
It_Bow_Titan Titan Bow Titan Bogen Łuk Tytana Лук Титана Titán íj
It_Bow_War War Bow Krieg´s Bogen Łuk WOjenny Военный Лук Harc íj
It_Bow_Bone Bone Bow Knochenbogen Łuk Kościany Костяной Лук Csont íj
It_Bow_Horn Horn Bow Hornbogen Łuk Rogowy Роговой Лук Szarv íj
It_Bow_Hunting Hunting Bow Jagdbogen Łuk Łowiecki Охотничьий Лук Vadász íj
It_Bow_Cole Cole's Bow Cole´s Bogen Łuk Cole'a Лук Коула Cole íja
It_Bow_Long Longbow Langbogen Długi łuk Длинный Лук Hosszúíj
It_Bow_Poacher Poacher's Bow Wildbogen Łuk Kłusownika Браконьерский Лук
It_Bow_Short Shortbow Kurzbogen Krótki łuk Короткий Лук Rövid íj
It_Arrow Arrow Pfeil Strzała Стрела Nyíl


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Crossbow_Titan Titan Crossbow Titanenarmbrust Kusza Tytana Арбалет Титана
It_Crossbow_War War Crossbow Kriegsarmbrust Kusza Wojenna Военный Арбалет
It_Crossbow_Hunting Hunting Crossbow Kusza Łowiecka Охотничьий Арбалет
It_Crossbow_Guard Crossbow Kusza Арбалет Стражника
It_Crossbow_Small Light Crossbow Lekka kusza Маленький Арбалет
It_Bolt Bolt Bolzen Bełt Болт


Code English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_2H_TitanWing Titanwing Skrzydło Tytana Титаново Крыло
It_2H_Obsidian_Sharp Obsidian Two-hander Obsidian Zweihänder Обсидианновый осколок
It_2H_Berserk Berserker Sword Berserker Schwert Miecz Berserkera Берсерк
It_2H_SoulDrinker_Sharp Souldrinker Seelentrinker Spijacz Dusz Осколок душепийцы
It_2H_DemonBlade Demon Blade Ostrze Demona Меч демона
It_2H_Steel_Sharp Sharp Two-hander Стальной осколок
It_2H_Obsidian_Lizard Lizard Sword Echsen Schwert Miecz Jaszczurzy Обсидиановый ящер
It_2H_TwoHandedSword Two-hander Zweihänder Двуручный меч
It_2H_TwoHandedSword_Rusty Rusty Two-hander rostiger Zweihänder Zardzewiały miecz dwuręczny Двуручный ржавый меч
It_BS_TitanSword Titan Sword Miecz Tytana Меч Титана
It_BS_Obsidian_Sharp Obsidian Bastard Sword Обсидианновый осколок Бастарда
It_BS_RuneSword Runesword Runenschwert Miecz Runiczny Рунический меч
It_BS_StormWind_Sharp Stormwind Sturmwind
It_BS_TraitorSword Traitor's Blade Verräterische Klinge Ostrze Zdrajcy
It_BS_Steel_Sharp Sharp Bastard Sword Ostry Miecz Drania
It_BS_Special_01 Evil Bastard Zły Drań
It_BS_BastardSword Bastard Sword Bastardschwert Miecz Drania
It_1H_Katana Don's Sword Miecz Don'a
It_1H_Obsidian_Sharp Obsidian Sword
It_1H_Mace_Lordly War Mace
It_1H_Rapier Rapier Rapier Rapier
It_1H_Sword_Lordly Fine Sword
It_1HS_Sword_Bronco Aric's Sword Miecz Arika
It_2HS_DonsGoldSword Golden Sword Złoty miecz
It_1H_Steel_Sharp Sharp Sword Ostry miecz
It_1H_Mace Skullsplitter
It_1H_Cutlass Cutlass
It_1H_Machete Machete Maczeta
It_1H_Saber Saber Szabla
It_1H_Mace_Spiked Thorn Mace
It_1H_Sword Sword Miecz
It_1H_Knife_Hunting Hunting Knife Nóż łowiecki
It_1H_Sword_Rusty Rusty Sword Zardzewiały miecz
It_1H_Sickle Sickle Sierp
It_1H_Club Club Maczuga
It_1HS_BadSword The Worst Sword Schlechteste Klinge der Welt Najgorszy miecz na świecie


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian Name
It_Staff_TitanScepter Titan Scepter
It_Staff_Titan Titan Staff
It_Staff_TwoBladed Inquisitor's Staff
It_Staff_WarSpear War Spear
It_Staff_Blade_Alvaro Honed Blade Staff
It_Staff_Blade Executioner's Staff Richtstab Трость Экзекутора
It_Staff_Druid Eldric's Staff Druidenstab Трость Элдрика
It_Staff_Combat Fighting Staff Kampfstab Боевая трость
It_Staff_Spear Spear Speer Копьё
It_Staff_Novice Novice's Staff Копьё новичка
It_Staff_Branch Sturdy Branch


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian Name
It_Axe_TitanHammer Titanlord's Hammer
It_Axe_Titan Titan Axe Титановый топор
It_Axe_StoneCutter Stonesplitter
It_Axe_Warhammer Warhammer
It_Axe_Berserk Berserker Axe
It_Axe_Waraxe Battleaxe
It_Axe_CrowsBeak Raven's Beak
It_Axe_Beard Bearded Axe
It_Axe_Light Light Battleaxe
It_Axe_Sledgehammer Sledgehammer
It_Axe_Lumberjack Woodcutter's Axe



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Armor_Titanlord Ursegor's Armor
It_Armor_Inquisitor Inquisitor's Armor Броня Инвкизиции
It_Armor_Don Don Esteban's Armor Броня Дона Эстебана
It_Armor_Druid Eldric's Robe
It_Armor_Mage_High High Mage's Robe
It_Armor_Mage_Low Low Mage's Robe
It_Armor_Mage_Novice Novice's Robe
It_Armor_Inq_Sentinel Commandant's Armor Броня Комменданта
It_Armor_Inq_Guard Warrior's Armor
It_Armor_Inq_Novice Novices's Tunic
It_Armor_Don_Elite Bandit Captain's Armor Броня Капитана пиратов
It_Armor_Don_Fighter Bandit Fighter's Armor
It_Armor_Don_Hunter Bandit Hunter's Armor
It_Armor_Worker Worker's Clothes
It_Armor_Worker_02 Worker's Clothes
It_Armor_Worker_03 Worker's Clothes
It_Armor_Guard Guard's Armor
It_Armor_Smith Smith's Apron
It_Armor_Seaman_Officer Officer's Clothes
It_Armor_Seaman_Sailor_01 Sailor's Clothes
It_Armor_Seaman_Sailor_02 Sailor's Clothes


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Shield_Titanlord Ursegor's Shield
It_Shield_Titan Shield Tarcza Щит
It_Shield_Round Round Shield Okrągła tarcza
It_Shield_Rune Rune Shield Tarcza runiczna
It_Shield_Guard War Shield Боевой щит
It_Shield_Buckler Wooden Shield Drewniana tarcza Деревянный щит
It_Shield_Rotten Small Shield Mała tarcza Маленький щит


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Helmet_Titanlord Ursegor's Helmet Hełm tytana
It_Helmet_Occular Inquisitor's Occular Monokl Шлем Инквизиции
It_Helmet_Inq_Sentinel Warrior's Helmet Hełm wojownika zakonu Шлем воина
It_Helmet_Guard Guard's Helmet Hełm strażnika
It_Helmet_Leather Leather Helmet Skórzany hełm Кожаный шлем


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Am_Dex Amulett der Geschicklichkeit
It_Am_Prot Amulet Of The Holy Flame
It_Am_Str Amulett der Stärke


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Ri_Diamond Ring of the Fighter Ring des Kämpfers
It_Ri_Ruby Ring of Strength Ring der Stärke +3
It_Ri_Sapphire Ring of Magic Ring der Magie
It_Ri_Emerald Ring of Dexterity Ring der


It_Ri_Amber Ring of Strength Ring der Stärke +3
It_Ri_Antimagic Ring of Magic Protection Schutzring der


It_Ri_STR_DEX Ring of Power Ring der Power
It_Ri_STR_Small Ring of Strength Ring der Stärke
It_Ri_DEX_Small Ring of Skill Ring des Geschicks
It_Ri_HP_Small Ring of Health Ring der Heilung
It_Ri_MP_Small Ring of Energy
It_Ri_Prot_Blade_Impact Ring of the Duelist
It_Ri_Prot_Missile Ring of Woodskin
It_Ri_Sword Ring of the Sword Fighter
It_Ri_Axe Ring of the Axe Fighter
It_Ri_Staff Ring of the Staff Fighter
It_Ri_Bow Ring of Archery
It_Ri_Crossbow Ring of Protection
It_Ri_Sneak Ring of Stealth
It_Ri_Acrobat Ring of the Acrobat
It_Ri_Barry Krayban's Ring
It_Ri_Monastery Ring of a Mage


rtifact_Disc Crystal DiscA

Nelson's Ring
It_Ri_Skeletonlord Vassal Ring
It_Ring_Gold Gold Ring Złoty pierścień



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Wine Wine Wein Wino Вино
It_Water Water Wasser Woda Вода
It_Rum Rum Rum Rum Ром
It_Grog Grog Bier Grog Грог
It_Beer Beer Bier


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name


Bag of Spice Beutel Gewürze
It_Apple Apple Apfel Jabłko
It_Carrot Carrot Karotte
It_Onion Onion Zwiebel
It_Potato Potato Kartoffel


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Joint Weed Reefer Skręt
It_Parchment Blank Scroll


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Plant Greenleaf Blatt Zielony liść
It_Plant_Health_01 Health Herb Heilkraut Ziele lecznicze
It_Plant_Health_02 Health Plant Heilpflanze Roślina lecznicza
It_Plant_Health_03 Health Root Heilungswurzel Korzeń leczniczy
It_Plant_Mana_01 Mana Mushroom Manapilz Grzyb many
It_Plant_Mana_02 Mana Plant Manapflanze Roślina many
It_Plant_Mana_03 Mana Root Manawurzel Korzeń many
It_Plant_Speed Wanderlust
It_Plant_Mushroom Mushroom Pilz Grzyb
It_Plant_Perm Hero's Crown Heldenkrone Korona bohatera
It_Plant_Berry Berry Beere Jagody
It_Plant_STR Ogreroot Ogerwurzel Ogrzy korzeń
It_Plant_DEX Pixie hat Wichtelkappe Kapelusz wróżki
It_Plant_Weed Weed Kraut Zioło


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Po_Health_01 30 Weak healing potion Schwacher Heil Trank
It_Po_Health_02 40 Healing potion Heil Trank
It_Po_Health_03 50 Strong Healing potion Starker Heil Trank
It_Po_Mana_01 30 Weak mana potion Schwacher Mana Trank
It_Po_Mana_02 40 Mana potion Mana Trank
It_Po_Mana_03 50 Strong Mana potion Starker Mana Trank
It_Po_Reg 50 Potion of regeneration Trank der Regenaration
It_Po_DEX 1000 Potion of Dexterity Fingerfertigkeit +
It_Po_STR 1000 Potion of Strength Stärke +



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Crystal_Fire Fire Crystal Feuerkristall Kryształ Ognia
It_Crystal_Frost Frost Crystal Eiskristall Kryształ Mrozu
It_Crystal_Magic Magic Crystal Magische Geschosse Kryształ Magii


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Ru_Beast Bestie Руна Превращение в Мглора
It_Ru_Berserker Berserker Berserker Berserk Руна Берсеркер
It_Ru_BlueBarrer Destroy Magical !! Barrier !! Magische !! Barriere !! zerstören Руна Уничтожить синий магический барьер
It_Ru_EnhancedHeal Magical Heal Starke Magische Heilung Руна Сильное Магическое лечение
It_Ru_Illusion Illusion Illusion Iluzja Руна Создать илюзию
It_Ru_Inferno Inferno Inferno Inferno Руна Ад
It_Ru_Joke Tell Joke Witz Erzählen Żart Руна Рассказать шутку
It_Ru_Levitate Levitate Schweben Lewitacja Руна Левитация
It_Ru_Light Light Licht Światło Руна Заклинание света
It_Ru_MediumHeal medium heal Mittleres Heilen Średnie leczenie Руна Среднее магическое лечение
It_Ru_MinorHeal heal Heilen Słabe leczenie Руна Слабое магическое лечение
It_Ru_Nautilus Nautilus Transformation in einen Nuntius verwandeln Przemiana w łodzika Руна Превращение - наутилус
It_Ru_OpenLock Open lock Schloss öffnen Otwarcie zamka Руна Вскрыть замки
It_Ru_Protection Magischer Schutz Magiczna ochrona Руна Магическая защита
It_Ru_RedBarrier Destroy Magical !! force field !! Magisches !! Kraftfeld !! zerstören Руна Уничтожить красное магическое поле
It_Ru_Skeleton Skeleton Skelett Przywołanie szkieletu Руна Вызвать скелета
It_Ru_Speed Speed Geschwindigkeit Руна Скорость
It_Ru_Telekinesis Telekinesis Telekinese Telekineza Руна Телекинез

Teleport Stones[]

Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Ru_TeleportDon Bandit Camp Banditenlager
It_Ru_TeleportDruid Northeastern Temple Nordöstlicher Tempel
It_Ru_TeleportEastCoast East Coast Ostküste
It_Ru_TeleportEastLake South East Coast Südöst Küste
It_Ru_TeleportGoldenPortal Volcano Keep
It_Ru_TeleportHarbour Harbour City
It_Ru_TeleportOldmine Eastern Temple Östlicher Tempel
It_Ru_TeleportTempleGameStart Southwestern Ruins Südwestliche Riunen
It_Ru_TeleportMonasteryCampNorth Plains Temple
It_Ru_TeleportMonasteryCampSouth Southwetern Ruins Südwestlicher Tempel
It_Ru_TeleportTempleNearDonCamp Western Ruins Westliche Ruinen
It_Ru_TeleportTempleNearMonastery Northern Temple Nördlicher Tempel
It_Ru_TeleportVulcanLeft Western Volcano Cave Westliche Vulkan Höhle
It_Ru_TeleportVulcanRight Eastern Volcano Cave Östliche Vulkan Höhle



Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian Name
It_Scr_Beast Ashbeast Transformation Ashebestie Verwandlung Превращение в Мглора
It_Scr_Berserker Berserker Berserker Берсеркер
It_Scr_BlueBarrer Destroy Magic Barrier Blaue Barriere Уничтожить синий магический барьер
It_Scr_EnhancedHeal Strong Magical Healing Сильное Магическое лечение
It_Scr_Illusion Create Illusion Illusion Создать илюзию
It_Scr_Inferno Inferno Inferno Ад
It_Scr_Joke Tell Joke Witz Рассказать шутку
It_Scr_Levitate Levitation Levitation Levitation
It_Scr_Light Light Spell Licht Заклинание света
It_Scr_MediumHeal Medium Magic Healing Mittlere Heilung Среднее магическое лечение
It_Scr_MinorHeal Small Magic Healing Слабое магическое лечение

Nautilus Transformation

Nautilus Verwandlung Превращение - наутилус
It_Scr_OpenLock Open Lock Schlösser Öffnen Вскрыть замки
It_Scr_Protection Magic Protection Magischer Schutz Магическая защита
It_Scr_RedBarrier Destroy Magic Force Field Rote Barriere Уничтожить красное магическое поле
It_Scr_Skeleton Conjure Skeleton Skelett beschwören Вызвать скелета
It_Scr_Speed Speed Eile Скорость
It_Scr_Telekinesis Telekinesis Telekinese Телекинез



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Gold Złoto

Animal trophies[]

Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Tusk Tusk
It_Wing Wing
It_Teeth Teeth
It_Sting Stinger


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name

Smithing stuff[]

Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name


Smith's Hammer Schmiedehammer Młot kowalski
It_GoldsmithHammer Jeweller Hammer Goldschmied-Hammer Młot złotnika
It_Goldsmith_Tong Jeweller Tongs Goldschmied-Zange Szczypce złotnika
It_Pickaxe Pickaxe Spitzhacke Kilof
It_Pan Frying Pan Pfanne Patelnia
It_Lockpick Lockpick Dietrich Wytrych
It_Quill Quill Federkiel Pióro
It_Recipe_Horn Hornsäge


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Bag_StolenGoods_Gnomes 5 Tool bag Werkzeugbeutel Torba narzędziowa Мешок (Металлолом и гвозди)
It_Key_Gamestart_Sara 10
It_Lockpick 10 Lockpick Dietrich Wytrych Отмычка
It_Pan 25 Frying pan Pfanne Patelnia Сковорода
It_Shovel 30 Shovel Schaufel Łopata Лопата



Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Map_BD_VulcanRight Гробница жреца в восточной части вулкана
It_Map_BD_WaterFall Гробница жреца за водопадом на западном побережье
It_Map_DonCamp Лагерь бандитов
It_Map_DruidJail Тюрьма ящеров
It_Map_Harbour Харбор-Таун
It_Map_LizardScouts Подземелье под вулканом
It_Map_Monastery Монастырь
It_Map_OldMine Восточный храм
It_Map_Vulcan Подземелье под вулканом
It_Map_World_OW2 Large Map of Island Duża mapa wyspy Большая карта острова Нельсона
It_Map_World_OW1 Partial Map of Island Mała mapa wyspy Маленькая карта острова

Other (must use 'spawn' command)[]

Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
ch characterhelper
sh storyhelper
Party_Tester comrade Kampfgefaehrte


Code Value English Name German Name Polish Name Russian name
It_Recipe_Health_01 + 75 HP Weak Healing Potion
It_Recipe_Health_02 + 150 HP Regular Healing Potion
It_Recipe_Health_03 + 300 HP Strong Healing Potion
It_Recipe_Mana_01 + 50 MP Weak Mana Potion
It_Recipe_Mana_02 + 100 MP Regular Mana Potion
It_Recipe_Mana_03 + 200 MP Strong Mana Potion
It_Recipe_SoupFish + 10 HP

+ 25 MP

Fish Soup
It_Recipe_SoupMeat + 25 HP

+ 25 MP

Novice’s Stew
It_Recipe_StewMeat_01 + 50 HP Meat Stew
It_Recipe_StewMeat_02 + 100 HP Hearty Meat Stew
It_Recipe_StewMeat_03 + 200 HP Hotpot
It_Recipe_FriedStew_MP + MAX MP Plaice Melt
It_Recipe_XP +100 XP Traveller's Potion
It_Recipe_STR + MAX STR Permanent STR Potion
It_Recipe_DEX + MAX DEX Permanent DEX Potion
It_Recipe_HP + MAX HP Permanent HP Potion
It_Recipe_MP + MAX MP Permanent MP Potion